How Temperature Fluctuation Threatens Your Trees in Winter

Contrary to popular belief, long, cold winters are not what cause the most damage to trees and shrubs. Rather, frequent changes in temperature pose an even greater threat to the life of trees and shrubs. Find out how temperature fluctuation threatens your trees in winter. 

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Why Dormant Pruning Is Effective For Tree Disease Management

Winter pruning is an effective tool against disease development like Oak Wilt, especially in Minnesota. Learn about dormant pruning and how the experts at Tree Squad can help you keep your trees healthy and disease-free. 

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Study Finds More Trees Would Boost Health in Minneapolis

A new study found Minneapolis tied second in a list of cities that would benefit most from expanding its urban forests. While this seems a no brainer, several factors make this a more challenging problem than most might assume at first glance. 

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Shrub Care Tips For Summer

Shrub Care Tips For Summer

Shrub care is an essential part of your summer landscaping needs. They add vibrant colors and beauty to any landscape design, but if you fail to properly care for them, they can quickly become a serious eye sore in the summer heat. Follow these shrub care tips to keep your shrubs looking great this summer. 

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A Guide to Buying and Caring for Coniferous Trees

Coniferous trees are a family of trees made up from spruce, fir, and pine trees. To the novice, these are trees that are used for the Christmas season. Of course, Conifers can look great throughout the whole year, and can significantly enhance the look of an outdoor space.

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Trees Feel The Cold Too!

As the seasons change and the weather fluctuates between warm and cold temperature, heavy rain, snow, wind, and beautiful sunshine, so do the trees in your front yard adapt to the ever-changing climate. The temperature, in particular, plays a major role in how a tree survives the long harsh winters, only to sprout back into fruition in the spring.

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Why Employ an Arborist?

Professional arborists are knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of tree care and tree removal. Removing trees from your property is an incredibly dangerous task, and should never be handled by anyone other than a certified, professional arborist. Once removed, they can also provide you with information on proper care and even set up scheduled maintenance throughout the season.

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